iOS 9 and Safari View Controller: The Future of Web Views

Federico Viticci on Macstories:

With Safari View Controller, Apple is freeing many developers from the burden of writing browser components for their apps. “This is something developers have been asking for for years”, Milham told me, and it’s not hard to understand why. If an app’s primary functionality isn’t to display web content but still needs to occasionally present webpages, having to code a browser from scratch is a waste of precious time in most cases. Safari View Controller fixes this by bringing years of Safari evolution to every app. This is good for developers, who won’t need to spend hours writing a decent browser from the ground up, and it’s good for users, who will be able to rely on the power of Safari almost anywhere on iOS.

This is worth to read.

BlackBerry adds private chat feature to BBM on iOS and Android

From The Next Web:

Where BlackBerry used to offer a ‘Timed and Retracted Control’ subscription, there’s now a Privacy and Control subscription that costs $0.99 per month. In addition to providing the timed sending and retraction of messages options, the plan also includes the new private chat feature and another new feature that allows you to edit a sent message by retracting it, editing it and then re-sending it.

From what it is, I guess they are trying so hard to make profit from its instant messaging services.

Apple Music FAQ: Everything you need to know

I’m holding on to not renew my Spotify premium because of this. If you plan to subscrice to a music streaming service then just wait a little bit and read this FAQ on iMore by Serenity Caldwell

Create Linked Blog Post On The Go With Workflow

Before I run this site on Jekyll I’ve tried many blogging platform like Tumblr, self-hosted Wordpress, to Octopress, a static site generator based on Jekyll. There’s a great thing about static site generator, all you have to do is write the post in plain text markdown formatted file and fill all the yaml front-matter as your post metadata. You can write any post from an iPhone, iPad as long as you follow the formatting you’ve set up.

I also published linked post from an article I find interesting around the web and since I mostly spend my time using my iPhone and iPad I need to automate the linked post creation. Sure, all of you who using iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch have heard about Workflow. Workflow is an app that can automate things on iOS. Using this, you can automate mundane task on iOS such as combining screenshot, journaling, to cross-posting content to all of your social media accounts.

Besides using Workflow, I also use Drafts to edit the linked post before I publish it. Drafts is where text starts from iOS and you could send them anywhere. With the keyboard actions overmore, you can manipulate the text you write such as make it uppercase or titlecase without hassle. Workflow and Drafts are the must-have apps on your iOS devices.

So combining those two apps, I could make a linked post in a minute. So, here’s the magic of the Workflow apps, I built a workflow as an action extension that takes URL from Safari as an input. From the URL input, the workflow will put the title page, url and selected text into variables which is used to fill the yaml front-matter. In Jekyll, the post you write have to save in certain formatted date and hyphenated words which will become the post URL. Using Workflow’s date actions and combine text I’m able to get this done.

In the end of the workflow, I have “add to Drafts” actions that will create a draft with linked post format for this site. From there I just need send it to my Dropbox and deploy it to my web server.

Here’s the screenshot of the workflow:

Linked Post Workflow

If you use Jekyll or any other static site generator you can tweak the workflow to suit your needs. You can get it here

With this workflow, I can linked any articles wherever without worrying I don’t bring my Macbook.

iOS 9 Allows Users to Temporarily Delete Apps to Free Up Space for Software Updates

Mike Beasley writings for 9to5Mac:

This new feature will allow the operating system to intelligently delete applications if you don’t have enough free space to perform a software update. Once the update is complete, the apps will automatically be reinstalled and your data will remain intact.

It’s glad to hear this and know that Apple is still responsible for selling 16GB iOS device and make it less painful to use.

The Web is getting its bytecode: WebAssembly

ArsTechnica has detailed information about WebAssembly:

WebAssembly, or wasm for short, is intended to be a portable bytecode that will be efficient for browsers to download and load, providing a more efficient target for compilers than plain JavaScript or even asm.js. Like, for example, .NET bytecode, wasm instructions operate on native machine types such as 32-bit integers, enabling efficient compilation. It’s also designed to be extensible, to make it easy to add, say, support for SIMD instruction sets like SSE and AVX. WebAssembly will include both a binary notation, that compilers will produce, and a corresponding text notation, suitable for display in debuggers or development environments. Early prototypes are already showing some of the expected advantages; the binary representation is 20 times faster to parse than the equivalent asm.js.

Editorial 1.2 Brings Powerful New Text Editing Features, More iOS Automation

Federico Viticci’s on Macstories:

Features like browser tabs, folding, custom templates, preview themes, and better search make Editorial the undisputed king of Markdown text editing on iOS – an area where no other app can compete at this point. I would like to see a faster release cycle from Zorn – hopefully adopting iOS 9 multitasking and search won’t take long – but that doesn’t change the fact that Editorial continues to be the most powerful app for writing and automating Markdown on iOS – for all the reasons I covered in the past.

If you write a lot and need a powerful text editor on iOS then read Viticci’s review of Editorial. An instant buy.

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